“Where’s your nephew young man?”

Larry was calm and matter of fact. He didn’t want to waste time.  Straight and to the point.  Secretly he wished Mike’s uncle said something stupid.  Larry has anger issues which become especially bad when someone fucks with his daughters….

“Who? Mike-mike?”

Larry just stared at him, his eye twitched as he thought about knocking this dude out for asking a dumb ass question.

“He’s around front. You must be that girl’s daddy.  Man-to-man, I’ve been trying to raise this boy right sir, he don’t listen you know?”

Mike’s uncle walked Larry to the front of the house.  Larry’s anger had built up to the point that he was starting to shake.  He was clenching his teeth so hard his jaw was sore….

“Mike, we need to talk.”

“Mike-mike, explain to this man why you ain’t wit ya girl.”

Alex could feel something coming.  In her garden is where she was able to do most of her reflection and connection to things.  Yoga wasn’t so easy now since the surgery…. She could feel her daughter’s presence before she heard “Mom, I need to talk to you”.

Plump breasts, lips cracked from vomiting, swollen eyes, baggy clothes.

“Mom, I….”

“You’re having my grandbaby Lauren”

Lauren began to sob, the hormones were part of it, but mostly the guilt of not being more careful.  Of being irresponsible.  Of falling for a man who would leave her.  Alex listened.  She let her daughter grieve. No lectures.  Who knows how long Lauren had kept this bottled up.  Lauren heard the back door open and rose to her feet.  With Lauren facing away from her, Alex could finally let out the grin she had been holding back, from ear to ear, her entire spirit lifted when she saw Lauren’s tiny little baby bump.

“Where is he Lauren?”

“I don’t know dad, he said he was going back to his uncle’s”

Dillon Dillinger had been head over heels in love with Lyric ever since 3rd grade.  Lyric hadn’t even noticed him until well into their sophomore year at the Academy (partly because LJ scared off any boy that even attempted to get Lyric to notice them).  I mean, she knew him, he was the quiet kid in the back of the class whose glasses were too big for his face, kept to himself and wasn’t a trouble-maker.  One day he asked if she wanted to share his peanut butter, banana and honey sandwich at lunch.  Lyric found this combination quite odd and thought “hey, why not?”  That gave Dillon just the courage he needed to ask her to hang out at The Bluffs, share their first kiss and ask her to be his girlfriend.

She said yes, Just a few feet away from where her mother said “I Do” many years before.

An updated family portrait was long overdue. Alex couldn’t wait to get these on the wall if, of course, there was any room left.

Alexandria Mariana Oceana and Leo Lynx (seated).  Back (L to R): Lauren Estelle, Lyric Moon, Lawrence Lloyd Sr., Lawrence Lloyd Jr., Koi Alondra.

The Lakes family.

“Daddy, what’s a miracle?”

“Why do you ask Leo?”

“Well, mom always calls me her miracle baby.  What does that mean?”

“Oh…. well, you see… all of these people, lots of people, they told your mom that she’d never have another little baby.  They told her that Lyric and LJ would be the last babies in our family.  One day, your mom and I found out you were growing inside of her.  We were so happy.  But then, after you were born, your mom got real sick.  And you know what?”

“Wh… what?”

“She got better because of you.  You gave her the strength to get better.  So two miracles happened Leo: Your mother risked her life to have you and in turn, your life saved hers.”

“Dude.. whenever you get sick, I get sick.  Please medicate yourself LJ.”

“Shut up Lyric, i’m fine.”

“There. Is. LITERALLY STEAM shooting out of the little bit of brain you have! Take the medicine dad ordered! Have mom make one of those herbal remedies.  Drink some green tea!  DO SOMETHING!”

“Shut UP LYRIC!”

Tonight was movie night at the Lakes’ home.  Leo chose a movie about camping, clearly still going to bat for his dad.  However after the movie, when the last three Lakes children were sleeping in their beds, Alex walked out to shore with Larry not far behind her.  As it turns out, she wasn’t falling out of love with the mountains.  The mountains introduced her to love, how could she?  Truth is, she felt guilty, she felt ashamed.  She was sorry that she was no longer whole. She was sorry for the pain she caused her family. She didn’t deserve….

“Everything feels so different now” she would often tell Larry not quite knowing what specifically was different. 

Larry didn’t know what to say other than he loved her, he supported her and she was complete to him.  In fact, without her, it was HE who wouldn’t be complete.  He’d simply fall to pieces….

He whispers…. “Who will put me back together Alex?”

Lauren wanted to be angry with her father but she couldn’t. She was too sad to worry about how he happened to be at the same cafe at the same exact time her boyfriend’s inner asshole revealed itself.  Instead, she confided in him.  She loved Mike.  She wanted to have the same thing her dad had with her mother.  True love.  But today was Lauren’s day to face blunt realities from the men in her life.  Larry explained to her that she was not doing herself any favors by waiting around for a man to marry her.  She was too young, too smart, too talented.  It wasn’t her fault.  After reassuring her, Larry reminded her that he would still snap Mike’s neck if he hurt her, but…. his focus now is on his wife (he caught himself getting choked up and took a moment)…

“I love you Lauren, you’re living your own life now.  I won’t always be there every time.  Be smart in your choices like your mother taught you and showed you.  We’ll always be here for you.  Even when magic-Mike decides he’s too pussy to spend the rest of his life with the likes of you.  Come by soon, your mom made pie.”

Tension between Mike and Lauren had been mounting as of late.  Lauren simply refused to stop talking about marriage.  She had every right.  Mike however was getting tired of the non-stop barrage of complaints from his girl.  Mike figured it was time to be blunt.  Not only was he not ready, he didn’t think he’d ever be ready.  He didn’t care if she “wanted what her parents have” or if this “playing house shit is getting old” or the “Mike pick up your goddamn socks”.  He was tired of it frankly.

“And if you can’t deal? Lauren, if you can’t deal, I will pack my shit and go back to my uncle’s until you can find something ELSE to talk about”

Unfortunately, Mike had no idea of the level to which he had fucked up.

Whenever Alex needed to be convinced of something, Larry could always count on his boys to back him.  These days they officially out-numbered the girls in the house.  Larry’s plan? To get Alex back to the mountains.  You see, Larry had already told Alex about the land he bought in the mountains for her 40th birthday.  However, since her surgery, and over the last couple of years she had forgotten.  They were approaching yet another wedding anniversary and Larry wanted to show her where they’d be spending their golden years.  Alex wasn’t so sure.  For the first time ever (as far as Larry could remember), Alex wasn’t immediately ready to jump on the plane.  She needed some convincing.  Perhaps she didn’t trust her health.  Perhaps she had lost her love for the mountains……

In any case, it brought poor Larry’s spirits down as he was left to wonder.

The past couple of months were brutal in terms of recovery for Alex.  Only recently had she gained back full strength in her legs.  Being the wellness guru that she was, she took extra time to let her body do what it needed.  She healed with meditation, nature, herbal teas, soaks, the moon and love.

Alex is finally back.

Lauren was loving life off the island.  The air was so different on the mainland.  It was much easier to breathe. She had begun her garden, something she was really excited about and Mike had started online classes.  They made ends meet by relying on Mike’s financial aid (and random loans from Larry).  Speaking of Mike, while claiming he loved her, he still wasn’t ready for marriage.  Lauren was pretty good at reminding him that she wouldn’t settle for anything less.  But see, Mike had gotten comfortable with their relationship just the way it was….

The only problem seemed to be remembering to protect themselves.  Many a night things got so heated that Lauren and Mike didn’t even bother with the little square packages strewn across their bedroom floor (compliments of Larry of course).

Catching up with Koi

Since moving out on her own, Koi was able to sell enough  art to purchase her mother’s old home on the beach.  College wasn’t her calling, art was.  Well, art AND finding her soulmate.  She and Jeremiah were becoming very close  although Koi wasn’t yet comfortable with  the idea of living together just yet. He visited her every day after his shift at the bistro.  He had already fallen in love with her (and the cooking skills she inherited from her mother).

Alex spent her first night home in the arms of her husband, not wanting to let him go.  Larry let her drift to sleep as he teased her about her newly gray tresses.  Her hoarse laughs bringing him joy and heartache at the same time.  The gray wasn’t from her 40s, however, like his were.  They came from the stresses her body had to endure….. he kissed each one like she’d had them forever.

Still very weak and under heavy dosages of medication, Alex has been given her discharge papers.  She is free to return home.  She will be leaving the hospital missing a very important part of her.  A part of her that grew and nourished five children.  Knowing that Larry had donated large amounts of his own blood to help save her life filled that void. Although she hadn’t quite come to terms with this she just wanted to see her babies and sleep in her own bed with her husband.

“Are you sure you’re ready?”

“I’m positive.”

Lauren and Koi were making sure the twins were fed and happy.  The two made their way to see them every day.  The twins had been excused from school for a week given the circumstances.  Lyric was particularly happy about the fact that their mother was awake and walking. They were all hoping that their dear mom would be home very, very soon.

After all, it’s almost Leo’s birthday.

With some encouragement from her big sister, Lyric decided to go see their mom.  Since Lauren was the oldest, the hospital was calling her for updates.  After Larry got into the fight with the nurse he received a 24 hour ban from the hospital.  Since he refused to leave, Lauren parked across the street and let her dad sleep in the backseat.  When Lyric got to her mother’s room she tried eating and finishing up her homework.  She told Alex all about baby Leo’s milestones, how her garden was doing and she even asked how to pay the bills.  She eventually fell asleep next to her mother .

Although there was no verbal response from Alex, I’m almost certain she heard every word….   .

The nursing staff at Newcrest Level 1 Trauma Center tried encouraging Larry to get outside and get some air.  Larry hadn’t slept in days nor had he eaten much.  The staff had grilled hot dogs today…. You see, what the nursing staff failed to realize was Larry had a very short fuse, made worse by his wife’s condition which didn’t seem to be improving.

The hospital administrator was sympathetic to Larry and came out to take him back to his wife, but not before Alex’s nurse caught an attitude that Larry helped her to get rid of.

Hospital security called Lyric yet again.

“We… we brought you some things daddy. Daddy?”

Larry did not speak but silently stood up and went into the bathroom. 

Koi went into shock immediately and dropped to the floor. The room started spinning for both of them as they caught a glimpse of their mother who looked dead to them.

Lauren almost held it together.  Almost.  She wanted to be strong for her dad, she couldn’t look toward the bed for more than a glance.  She tried so hard to keep it together…

But then Koi began to pray.

All the Lakes children were finally together.  Not much was said.  Lyric took the lead to explain to Lauren and Koi the status of their mother.  LJ couldn’t be of much help.  He had been locked in his room since everything happened.  No one quite knew what to say.  No one really stopped to think about next steps.  All they knew was they knew nothing.  Lauren was inconsolable…..

Koi finally determined that the youngest two should stay home with baby Leo.  They would take turns visiting the hospital.  Their father hadn’t been home in two days now so the oldest would take him some food, clothes, soap, toothpaste and deodorant first.  After making the decision, Koi didn’t know if she was ready to see her parents like this.  Lyric said hospital security called.  Larry wouldn’t eat and refused to leave Alex’s side.  They had to carry him to the waiting area during surgery.

Everyone was a mess.

“Calm down Lyric, start from the beginning….”

Massive internal bleeding.  Severe post-partum hemorrhaging.  Emergency hysterectomy. Critical condition.

“Please come, please come… they’re saying they don’t know if…”

Should have gotten to the hospital at the first signs of labor.  Mr. Lakes when did you find her? Why wasn’t the ambulance called sooner? She should never have gotten pregnant. Mr. Lakes?

“Daddy’s there, he won’t leave.  I don’t know, I’m scared…”

Low blood pressure.  Faint pulse. Labored breathing. She needs blood.    Sir, we need you to go to the waiting area…… Sir?


Yet another very intense labor for Alex.  Although she was quite savvy when it came to homebirth, she was still worried given her age and the words from her doctor.  Larry was afraid too.  Always supportive, however this time he insisted they get to the hospital right away.  Alex wouldn’t hear of it and said she’d have the baby herself. Without his help if she had to.  Larry knew it was just fear that made Alex snap so he calmed himself and followed her to the nursery….

It was the most beautiful experience….

Welcome to the Island!

Leo Lynx Lakes

Born at 2:58 in the morning weighing 8 pounds and 2 ounces. Leo is 22 inches tall.  Congratulations on your beautiful boy Alex and Larry!

Lawrence and Alexandria Lakes had a little fun with the photographer this time as they celebrated their miracle baby.  Called such because Alex’s doctor swore she wouldn’t have more after the twins.  These photos will soon hang on their walls as a symbol of making the impossible possible.

Baby will be here soon, good luck you two.

Alex had quite a busy day today.  Not only did she snatch the edges off the kitchen this morning, she also served up some sweet potato pie for the twins.  Quality time with Lyric and LJ was much needed after Koi’s departure.  This evening she put the finishing touches on her nursery where she tried out a very minimalist style that reminded her of the mountains.

A very productive day for Alexandria Marina Oceana Lakes.

Koi is such a humble girl.  She didn’t want the big party.  She didn’t want the gifts.  She didn’t even want to wake up her dad who had been up all night creating a mobile app for Simsung.  All she wanted was her mother’s home made chocolate cake and a quiet birthday.  Graduation came and went quietly.  Just the way Koi wanted.  Now, at the age of 18, she is ready to move out into the world….

Alex was beginning to notice the fine lines and wrinkles that were popping up around her face.  Her age was showing but not very much.  Alex didn’t mind, in fact, the ridiculous amount of hormones racing through her pregnant body made her new found look quite attractive to her.  So much so, she sprayed a little perfume and baked up some flirty heart cookies for her husband.  Not a care was given as they decided to have a romp around the bedroom while the twins were deep in their studies.

Koi was focused on her art and her heart.  Everything she painted now reminded her of Jeremiah. 

Back to the lovebirds….. Alex was getting a kick out of teasing poor Larry.  Sure he was older, but she bragged about the fact that not one gray hair could be found on her…. yet.  Larry was not amused however he clapped back by letting Alex know that all of his gray can be attributed to her and the kids. 

Alex knew better.

Lauren was putting the pressure on Mike.  What she wanted was a ring and Mike was clearly not ready. They weren’t even out of college yet! In order to divert the conversation, he relied on his charisma and the fact that all it took was for him to flirt with her to get her mind off of the more serious discussions.  Mike was a bit jealous too, so flirting with her was also a means of letting the men in the cafe know to stay the hell away.  While all of this was going on, Lauren paid attention to a strange woman who came in staring at her man, and the wall…. perhaps she was trying listen in on the conversation.  Perhaps she loved the paint color.  Lauren didn’t care to find out and rushed Mike out of there.


@maimouth Lauren’s new hair? LIFE.

A surprise stop in a neighboring town greeted Alex as they returned from the mountains.  Larry had picked the perfect spot to celebrate and watch the sunset. Welcome to middle age sweet Alex.

Happy Birthday.

Lawrence and Alexandria Lakes will be returning to the island in the morning. On their last night in the mountains, Larry surprises Alex with an early birthday gift.  As it turns out, Larry wasn’t just helping the Ranger clear away brush and chop down dead trees. He was also purchasing the land that brush and those trees were on.  Larry made sure that he and his wife had a permanent home away from home in the mountains.

The gift was very well received.

Meanwhile, Koi, LJ and Lyric were enjoying having the house to themselves even if their mother called 37 times a day to check on them.  Lauren and Mike were enjoying being young, in love and free.  The two spent most of their time shopping, eating out and making out in public.

By their third night in the mountains Alex was back to her old self.  She swore to Larry that she wouldn’t let things get so bad again, especially when the cure was a quick trip to their favorite place.

That evening they discussed how Alex wished to celebrate her birthday.

The mountains served as the perfect medicine for Alex’s downed spirits.  Larry was aware of the healing properties of nature so he left Alex to receive its therapy while he and the ranger cleared some brush and chopped down some dead trees. 

It didn’t take Alex long to come around.

That same evening, Larry booked their flight to the mountains.  He wasted no time.  One thing is for certain: Larry will do anything for his wife.  He’d sacrifice his own life if he had to.

You’re a good man Larry Lakes.

The kids weren’t clueless.  They talked about it in health class. There were hotline numbers hung on the walls in the cafeteria for people to call who felt depressed.  Even though they knew, it didn’t take their hurt away.  They weren’t used to seeing their mother like this.  They hurt.

Larry hurt even more.  Alex was distant again, her eyes swollen and raw.  He came to her in silence.  It wasn’t that he didn’t know what to say, he knew silence was healing.  Alex taught Larry that they can share energy without saying a word so he simply shared his energy.  They sat without speaking for hours until she whispered for him to “come here”.

He gathered her into his arms, she was limp and warm.

He looked into her puffy eyes as a hoarse and distressed voice, barely a whisper pierced his heart…

“Take me back to the mountains …”

What may very well be the final two children to come from Alexandria and Lawrence Lakes have officially entered into a brand new stage of life. 

Happy birthday Lyric and Lawrence Jr, Happy Birthday.

With one child gone, one almost gone and two about to have birthdays, Alex finds herself in reflection most of the time.  Her husband is getting older and so is she.  She doesn’t know if she’s ready for a home without the sounds of small children.  She doesn’t know if she’s ready to enter her 40s.  She doesn’t know if she’s ready for yet another one of her children to venture out on their own.

What she does know, is that she doesn’t have any control over any of it.

LJ was having trouble with a bully in school.  Some big kid named Kevin.  LJ was really getting tired of this kid and asked his parents for advice.  Alex was worried and suggested talking to the dean.  Larry laughed and told LJ the best thing to do would be to beat the kid so bad he’ll return every cent of his lunch money.  Alex was not ok with this suggestion but once she left the table, Larry whispered to LJ to meet him in the backyard after dinner by the punching bag.  Everyone chimed in with their advice.  Alex overheard Koi telling LJ to “kick his little worthless ass” and promptly scolded her.  But no one heard Lyric’s advice:

“LJ, listen… we’re partners right? I know his sister, she’s in art with me.  Tomorrow, i’m going to tell her mom.  She picks her up right when we get on the bus.  She looks crazy, she has one leg, one eye and I swear a mouse lives in the bun on her head. I SAW IT.  You snap a pic of her.  Then, in photography class we’ll download the picture, blow it up, make copies and plaster them everywhere! Deal?”

Tuesday with the Lakes family.  Larry has always been Mr. Fix-It, he’s just getting much better at it!  He also hasn’t given up on his daily workouts.  Its a great chance for he and his wife to bond while the kids are away at school.  LJ prefers to get help with his homework from Koi.  He loves Koi, she’s literally the moon and the sun combined to him.  Lyric is still a daddy’s girl who loves her daddy’s stories even if she knows they’re totally made up.  Today was special however as Lauren showed up for dinner.  Once again the dinner table (that Larry crafted himself mind you) was full of familiar voices and new stories about life on the countryside.

Alex is still baking up wonderfully tasty confections, and Larry is still kicking the living shit out of his 40s.  Alex has absolutely zero complaints about Larry’s new found whenever-however-wherever philosophy.

Lauren, with a little persuasion, took Mike up on his offer to skip the dorms and live together. They decided to rent a little one bedroom + office in the vast countryside. 

Very meager beginnings for the young couple eager to get away from the island and city.

As promised, when Larry and Koi boarded the seaplane to head back home, he began the story of how he met her mother:

“You see goldfish, your mother wasn’t all that into me… AT FIRST! I was playing chess in the park, you know how I love my chess. Well, she sat down and just started moving the pieces around! Your mother couldn’t play chess for shit! I eventually taught her but I digress. We both loved the outdoors, I think that was the primary attraction.  I introduced her to chess in the park and she introduced me to sunsets at the bluffs.  And fishing! Did you know your mom taught me how to fish? She sure did.”

A smile crept across Koi’s lips as she closed her eyes and laid her head on  Larry’s shoulder.  She could feel the love in his heart with every word.

“Baby you gotta find someone who can teach you things.  Take you places you’ve never been.  But see, I was very persistent.  Thirsty as y’all call it. I mean I was blowing up her phone, showing up at her house unannounced just….”

They burst into laughter.  That gut laugh that comes with the ugly face and you have to catch your breath and wipe away tears.

“It was in the mountains where we fell in love though. We were in love with the mountains and, in turn, fell in love with each other.”

The seaplane landed on the water causing the familiar bumps and shakes that were expected living on the island.  For a moment, Larry and Koi sat, taking in the fresh ocean air.  Finally, Larry continued…

“I’ve been in love ever since.  We bought our house, had you guys and I still love her like that first trip to the mountains.”

Larry was finished. The plane grew silent and filled with Koi’s visions of finding a love like that and Larry’s heart filling with the memories he’s shared with the most beautiful person in the world.  The sailboat was on it’s way to break the silence and drop them off at the shore.

With her sister gone off the island, Koi tried to get out more.  This was one of the things Lauren had suggested to her in order to find the soulmate she desired.  Poor Koi, no matter what, she always ran into really creepy older guys in khakis who just stared at her.  She ended up calling her dad to pick her up.  Larry knew a thing or two about soulmates.  After all, he had spent many years with his.  Koi asked her dad how he did it.  Larry responded that he’d tell her all about how he met her mother on the plane back to the island.

Lauren’s Open House: The Finale

As Larry and Lyric enjoyed an amazing desert, Alex slipped a birthday cake out of the back door and lit the candles.  The sound of the infamous birthday horn filled the air.  When Koi realized what was happening her scream of “DON’T LEAVE ME LAUREN!” echoed off the rocks and cliffs. It was time for Lauren to become a young and vibrant adult with the entire world ahead of her.

Lauren made one wish, the family sang and Koi swallowed back her tears as Lauren blew out her candles.  That evening, all was quiet and everyone helped to clean up, wash dishes and carry Lauren’s gifts to the basement.  Alex was the first to go to sleep, smiling and dreaming of the time when her big girl wasn’t so big.


Lauren’s Open House: Part Two

Mike, as expected, was trying to convince Lauren that they ought to get an apartment together rather than live in dorms.  After all, he added 500 simoleons to that suitcase of money from his own hard work.  Why not ask? But see, Larry was eaves dropping and sent Alex to run interference.  None of this mattered since Lauren hit Mike with the “I’ll think about it” before running off to pee.  Besides those shenanigans, Alex and Larry got a chance to focus on Koi and her plans since she was next up….

Soon, Mike had to go to work and Lottie had to get home to babysit her little sister.  They ran off while Lauren and Koi danced until the sunset.

Lauren’s Open House: Part One

Today the Lakes Family celebrated their first-born and her graduation, with honors, from Windenburg Academy.  They held an open house for Lauren Estelle Lakes and her closest friends.  Delicious food, lots of gifts and good times as Lauren prepares to enter into her young adult years away in college.

Alex and Larry spent most of the day preparing for Lauren’s open house. Larry grilled up a huge amount of chicken while Alex baked the perfect cake.  The older girls spent the evening watching movies while Alex, Lyric, Larry and LJ enjoyed some fresh air in the backyard.  When the twins finally went to bed Alex and Larry talked about their oldest leaving the home soon, their changing lives and how, with each passing year, their love for each other only grows stronger.

After the children had gone to bed and Larry was settled at this computer with a cold beer to begin his freelance work, Alex took the seaplane to the mainland.  Her reason for going was to take some cuttings from the wild lemon and cherry trees.  However she was drawn in by the beauty of the countryside.  Her birthday was approaching soon enough, perhaps a quaint cottage in the hills would be perfect for her and Larry.

But how could she ever leave the water’s edge….? 

The twins don’t usually last too long after dinner.  Once they’ve eaten and bathed they can barely keep their eyes open.  They often miss out on some pretty juicy conversations.  LJ is suspicious of his sister Lauren who is always springing something on their dad (his hero mind you).

Tonight, the oldest girls were trying to get the permission of their parents to attend an overnight graduation party.

Apple juice fresh from the tree in the backyard.  Blueberry bagels fresh from the oven.  A great start to the day for LJ, Lyric and Alex.

And yes Larry, we can CERTAINLY tell you’ve been working out.  You are definitely winning the battle of middle-age.

Alex loves the big ‘ol teddy bear her husband has become over the years. However she is very supportive of his current battle against middle-age. She made him a nice salad this morning for his post-workout meal. She also recently purchased a juicer and showed him how to make fresh juice to give him the energy he needs for his daily morning workout regimen.

This is Larry. 

This is Larry showing 40 who the real MVP is.

Alex is loving Larry’s new lasting libido.  They were animals, young again and didn’t stop until 5 minutes before the school buses showed up to drop off their children.

The day after his birthday, aging was beginning to show.  Larry inspected the newly gray strands within his locs and the fine wrinkles that had popped up around his eyes and forehead.  Feeling a bit down, he decided to show 40 who the real boss was.

Larry and his wife celebrated until the sun switched places with the moon.  So many beautiful years of marriage.  Such wonderful memories to share.  Not only was the lovely couple celebrating their wedding anniversary, this was just the first of a two-part celebration.

His wife teases..

“It’s time for a birthday cake old man! You think all the candles will fit?”


Alex had been making some pretty good income from the sales of her outdoor guides and yoga instruction books.  The royalties were lovely and a nice addition to the overall household income.  She was saving specifically for her husband.  Larry made a vow to get in better shape so Alex purchased a new weight set for him and threw in a brand new grill on top of it.

Larry put them to good use.  Alex was pleased knowing that he would make good use of these gifts.  Gifts for a very, VERY special milestone in their lives.

Lauren was so caught up with her boyfriend and parent problems that she didn’t even notice the subtle changes happening to her best friend, her sister Koi.  Koi aspired to have a soulmate.  The same as her father.  Koi was noticing how much attention Lauren was receiving just because she “had a man”.  Koi wasn’t naive however.  She knew it was because Lauren wasn’t a virgin anymore.  Thing is, Koi was growing jealous of her sister who was dating a hot guy who made it all the way from first base to home plate by getting the goods  AND meeting the parents.  Where was Koi’s high school sweetheart? 

Lauren felt her heart break into a million pieces when Koi, in a voice of pure desperation rather than excitement asked “Does he at least have a brother?”

Alex turned the kitchen to a complete drool fest as she served dish after scrumptious dish.  We’re talking Lobster Thermidor, Fresh Carrot Bread and Exotic Fruit pie.  Alex and Larry had already instructed the other children to find some things to keep them busy so they could focus on Lauren and Mike.  Just as the awkward-ness was starting to pass Larry compliments Mike on managing to pull his pants above his ass cheeks for the occasion.  Lauren whispered “sorry” while she and Alex gave him the look of death.  “Be nice Larry” Alex asserted through clenched teeth.  The rest of dinner was a hit.  Lots of laughs as they all learned about Mike and he learned about them.  Mike was good about complimenting their home and the food (especially the dessert that Alex was exceptionally proud of) which kept Lauren blushing at the gentleman side she hasn’t seen since prom night.  Larry, however, didn’t like how hard Alex was laughing at Mr. Mike’s jokes….

Alex got up to clear away dishes when Larry stopped her.  You could hear a pin drop in the room.  Larry looked Lauren square in the eyes and asked if Mike was capable of washing dishes.  Without skipping a beat, Mike chimed in “Oh no problem Mr. Lakes.”


Larry then instructed Alex and Lauren to start up the fire pit out back.  He and Mike had other things to discuss. Mike gulped so hard it could be heard on the mainland.

Alex was thrilled to have a guest for dinner and spent the evening prior perfecting her recipes.  She was particularly pleased with how the Baked Alaska turned out.  Alex saw things quite differently than her dear husband.  To Alex, this was her future grandchild-maker and should be welcomed as family.  She was very confident in how she taught her girls.  Alex was also an idealist.

The next day, Mike showed up involuntarily.  He was nervous and really didn’t want to get his butt whooped.  Larry may not have realized it, but his size combined with the bass in his voice put the fear of God into poor Mike.  He even pulled up his pants for the occasion.  As he went around back he found his girlfriend looking stunning in a beautiful blue dress.  He reached out for a hug not realizing Larry was coming to open the door upon hearing the knock.  Lauren tried to warn him but Mike is seventeen so “come here and let me grab that ass girl” flowed as easily as “hello” to him.  Too bad Larry heard him.

This time Lauren made the proper introductions, however the side-eye (level: expert) from Larry was the only greeting Mike would receive.

Lauren whispered to her brand new boyfriend not to say anything, not to make any sudden movements and not to breathe.  Larry stopped in front of them and looked them both up and down.  The look he gave his daughter suggested that if she were to say one word he would promptly toss her into the Windenburg River.  Mike tried to give a muffled introduction but Larry, as we know, has a quick temper and untreated anger issues.  Larry stopped him mid intro with one question: “Are you the little boy that’s been sleeping with my daughter and ruining her GPA?”  Against Lauren’s instructions, Mike tried it.

Mike didn’t want to back down from an “old man in Vans” and, instead, grew cocky and defiant.  Mike insinuated that perhaps Larry keep a closer eye on his daughter if he thought someone was “sleeping with her and ruining her GPA.”


Lauren wanted to run but one of her teachers was also approaching from the other side.  If she could swim, she would have jumped in the river herself.  Larry felt his blood start to boil and his heart was pounding out of his chest.  He wanted to knock the little kid out but there was the whole jail issue.  Instead, he read poor Mike like a book and completely embarrassed him in front of Lauren.  He advised that if he wanted to look like he wasn’t wearing a shit-filled diaper to pull up his pants.  He asked if the gap in his front teeth caused him  to whistle when he spoke.  He asked if he was raised by Llamas to be so disrespectful.  And the final sword to come from Larry’s mouth:  “I want you over for dinner.  We need to talk man-to-not-quite-a-man.  See you tomorrow night.  If you don’t show up, I’ll come and get you myself.”  This, as expected, scared the life from Mike who waddled away, escorted by the teacher, with his tail (and the crotch of his jeans) between his legs.

Now to focus on Lauren who was devastated and angry.  Larry was filling with guilt and asked her why she was being so sneaky.  Lauren loved Mike (or so she thought).  She declared that she was seventeen and allowed to have a life outside of the island.  She loved her daddy too and wished he wasn’t so mean.  She told him all of this with tears in her eyes and Larry was slowly realizing she was right.  His oldest daughter was going to college soon, he didn’t have the same control over her that he used to. He’s getting older just as she is.  They got up to go home and not a word was spoken the entire way there.


Lauren & Mike.  Such a sweet, young couple.  Blinded by the
hypnotic trance of puppy love, first crushes and raging hormones.  Today
the couple skipped out on their last few classes to go to the library
in town and study for finals.  Studying led to the two becoming official and
exchanging promise rings.  

Sounds so romantic….

But see…..

Academy keeps very close tabs on their student body, so when Lauren and
Mike didn’t show up for their Psychology class, Dean Crumplebottom
started making calls.  The Dean discovered from the librarian that the
two were studying there but walked toward the viaduct.  The next call
went to Lauren’s father, Larry WillKickATeenageBoysAss Lakes.

Alex let the twins stay up well past their bedtime.  She enjoyed their company as she continued her hunt for the most amazing catch.  She laughed to herself at their shenanigans.  She loved to hear them talk.  Larry would soon join them to enjoy the fresh ocean air and the beautiful, bright, bursting moon.  Larry, Lyric and LJ attempted to identify all of the constellations. The trio quickly found out Lyric was quite good at it.  The sun was peaking over the water so Alex and Larry sent the twins to bed.  It was a school night after all.

The few moments left of dawn belonged to Larry and his beautiful wife.

Now that there were no longer any babies to stay home for, Alex spent most of her days back in her natural habitat while the kids were away at school.  She finally caught that elusive Tilapia and couldn’t wait to pan fry it for dinner.  That evening she journaled her travels and how that one amazing catch is still out of reach. 

Where will she travel to next?

The next morning Lauren tried to tell her mom how her dad snapped about her coming home late after prom, seeking sympathy of course.  Alex simply smiled and nodded.  Lauren couldn’t understand why her mom didn’t have her back and wouldn’t stop talking about how “unfair” it all was. 

Koi was pretty tired of hearing about it and announced that if she didn’t shut up about it she was going to tell mom and dad what REALLY went down at the Bluffs.

Exactly. @simminglychic

Larry tried not to embarrass Lauren in front of her siblings so he came off calm.  He lectured her about her responsibilities and reminded her of her curfew (which was certainly not 3:00 in the morning, prom or no prom).  But Lauren… oh Lauren…. she tried it.

Before she could even get the second hand on her other hip Larry told the twins to go to bed and proceeded to rip Lauren to shreds (this time his anger issues are quite warranted)!  He covered everything from boys only wanting her for woohoo, being a role model for her younger sisters and how dare she even fix herself to even think about smart mouthing him.  He was proud of himself, however Lauren felt horrible.  She went to her room to cry it out under her blanket.  Normally Larry would feel guilty, she’s always been daddy’s little girl.  But not today.


Lottie and her date skipped out to head to the pier.  The plan was for Lauren and her date to meet them there.  Needless to say they never made it.  It was prom night after all and hormones were raging in Lauren and her date’s seventeen year old bodies. They promised each other that what happened at The Bluffs stayed at The Bluffs (although I wonder who put an air mattress in the trunk of the limo)

Good thing Alex and Larry gave Lauren “the talk”, however if they knew what went on at The Bluffs last night, Larry would be shooting targets in his backyard.

Last night was the Senior Prom at Windenburg Academy.  Lauren and Lottie, of course, went together with their very handsome dates.  Rather than stay in the stuffy, packed-to-capacity gymnasium at the Academy, the group headed to the Bluffs where the fellas had a nice surprise waiting.

