One could say that every aspect of the Carters’ marriage was quite satisfying.

One could also say that if you’ve pleased your wife to the point that she passes out from pure exhaustion, and you’re up drinking Jack straight from the bottle…

Be advised, before you press play, you may need a box of tissues, a roll of toilet paper, handkerchief or something. Best viewed on laptop/pc as i’m not sure if you will see it well mobile (tested, works GREAT on mobile). Thanks to everyone who followed along, commented, reblogged, shown love, etc.  Remember, use caution when pressing play (turn on your volume). Love ya lots!

They didn’t know it at the time, but all of the Lakes children have their mother’s intuition. They knew something had gone wrong. Although they were in different spaces, they were in sync, they were in the same state of mind.


Alex wasn’t going to just sit around and wait. She had a feeling deep in her gut, swarming around, causing great anxiety.  The forest was uncharacteristically quiet…


She called to him but the only response was her echo.  As she half walked, half ran deeper and deeper into the woods, she started to think that perhaps Larry had lost track of time while stopping to fish along the hiking trail.  Maybe when she left, he arrived.  Alex had searched the woods for at least an hour, laughing at herself as she pictured Larry sitting at home wondering where she was.

She turned around to take a different path just in case when it hit.  The excruciating pain in her stomach.  Hundreds of knives slashing away indiscriminately, destroying her abdomen.  She gasped.  The intensity this time was worse.  She could feel it coming up.  It burned her throat.

The contents of her stomach splashed against the forest floor.  Thick, yellow stomach acid, standing out against the deep greens and browns of the earth she knelt on, speckled with bright red blood.

Alex woke from her nap a bit groggy and off balance.  She figured a shower and coffee would shake her up. As the coffee brewed, she felt a bit guilty for abstaining from the hiking trip with Larry.  She sipped slowly, worried about the pain in her stomach although it had gone away.  She had an herbal remedy for it and would commit to taking it daily as a proactive solution.  As her mind figured out a potential cure, she had already finished her coffee, washed dishes, prepared dinner and swept the porch.

As she leaned the broom against the wall, she became winded and sat down.  Suddenly it hit her: It was dark now, late evening…

Her husband had not returned.

Eggs Benedict… One of Larry’s favorites.

After the first bite, Alex felt as if she had been hit head on by a semi truck, followed by the sensation of one hundred katanas slicing her stomach to pieces.  She grimaced in pain. A whimper left her lips as she slowly placed her fork on the table.

“Alexandria?  Are you okay sweetheart?

Alex, not being the one to have anyone worry about her, bent the truth.

“I’m just fine Lawrence Lloyd Lakes.  You know I can’t really eat like I used to.”


Larry wasn’t so sure about his wife’s response.  The two had planned to go hiking today but Alex knew she couldn’t.

“Baby, are you 100% sure you don’t want to come?  I’ll carry you on my back, you ain’t too old for a piggy back ride Mrs. Lakes!”

Alex laughed through the awful pain still throbbing in her abdomen.

“Go ahead now! Catch some butterflies for me, this cabin needs some creatures. I’m just gonna lay down a bit.  Hurry up back okay?  I love you Lawrence.”

“Love you back sweet cheeks.”

As Larry walked further and further out of view, Alex limped to the bathroom, hunched over in excruciating pain.  She opened a bottle of Simpto Bismol and chugged it. From there, she lay down, hoping she would sleep it off…

“You do realize they’re going to be living in the middle of fucking nowhere right?”

Lyric was unable to wrap her head around her parents moving to the Falls.  She didn’t want them isolated if something were to happen.

“Yes, Lyric, I am aware. What you have to know is that this is their decision.  Daddy built that cabin for just the two of them and you know how much they love it out there”

“Fuck all that.”

Lyric had already had a few beers before the waitress delivered the hard liquor.  She had taken after her father’s love of beer, however, she took it a bit too far.  A fact that Koi had realized years ago.  Tonight, Koi needed the buzz too.

“Someone needs to move up there Koi, I’ll go.  There is nothing here for me anyway.”

“Do something with your life Lyric, mom and dad will be fine. You know mom, she’s always prepared for things.  We’ll call, we’ll visit, everything will be fine.”

And with that, Koi paid the tab, but before leaving, they stared into the ocean.  Silence that seemed like hours.

“I’m scared Koi.”

“I am too baby girl.  I am too.”

Since we’ve been gone...

Alex and Larry had the things that meant the most to them shipped to the cabin.  They sent suitcases of clothes, pictures of their family, Alex’s favorite cookware, of course the coffee pot and other mementos to remind them of their life on the island.

“Are you ready Larry?”

“I don’t really know yet. I’m going to miss this place.”

The two sat up, Alex digging her toes deep into the sand where she caught her first fish, stargazed with her first child and every child thereafter.  Larry took in a deep breath, the smell of the ocean reminding him of all the memories on the shoreline…. of Alex saving his life.

“Larry, imagine our new life!  Mountains, funky looking creatures, amazing fishing, that crazy bear…”

Alex was trying her best to be positive after feeling Larry’s apprehension.

“Alexandria, your hair smells like roses and lavender and our entire lives.”

As the sea plane approached, the reality set in. 

“I better go change now.” Alex whispered as she left Larry to his memories on the shore.

“Funniest thing, Lyric called crying last night.  Apparently she thinks her siblings are looking to push us into an early grave Larry.”

“Well, they’ve been pushing us into an early grave since they were born.  What’s the big deal now?”

Alex and Larry spent the morning joking about their children’s fears.  They found it sweet that they were even discussing it.  They care.  Truth is, Alex and Larry had planned for this years ago and not much has changed to their will since.  Except, of course, for the addition of a few new grandchildren.  They are prepared financially and spiritually yet not so much emotionally.  The reality of them not having one another at some point left them speechless as they finished their breakfast.

“Are those veggie burgers Lawrence?”

“Does your ass still look good in those yoga pants?”

“Damn right!”

“There’s your answer love.”

Growing Pains…

It wasn’t one of those easy conversations to have with your siblings.  Necessary, but not easy.  This month the sisters brought in LJ to their outing, they would need his input in order to come to a consensus.  Lauren broke the silence…

“Listen y’all, I know no one really wants to talk about this but we’ve gotten to the age where we really need to start thinking about mom and dad. Like.. you know, planning for…. stuff.”

Lyric and LJ weren’t ready for that, letting out a mutual sigh. Lyric started on the first of what would be three very strong drinks.

Being the oldest meant Lauren would hold the brunt of responsibility when its time to plan for their parent’s passing.  She’d already spoken to Koi about this previously and couldn’t handle the burden which is what brought them all together today.  Koi chimes in to support her sister….

“Listen, you guys.  This isn’t going to be easy.  With Leo and his wife gone, they are by themselves in that big ass house.   They’ve been talking about moving into that house in the mountains daddy built….”

Lyric finishes her drink and grabs what is left in the bottle…. Koi continues.

“They aren’t going to live forever.  We need a plan.  I’m sure momma is smart enough to have a will, but we need to be asking them these questions and find out what….”

Lyric can’t take it anymore and completely snaps

“You cold, callous, savage BITCH!  My momma and daddy ain’t goin’ nowhere!  You’re trying to push them into the grave so you can get your hands on their money!”

LJ tries to calm her down, but Lyric combined with liquor and her daddy’s passed down anger trait are not to be calmed.  As Koi is about to snap back, Lauren taps her foot under the table.  LJ has always been closer to Lyric (aside from them being twins) and sides with her.

“She has a point.  I’m not ready for this at all.”

“I know LJ, I understand.  I’ll get Lyric.  You guys get back home, its late.”

As Lauren runs off to get her sister, LJ lights a cigarette and walks off.  Koi is left alone, not as she expected, trying to process her parents inevitable exit from this world.

“Well Larry, what are we going to do now? We haven’t had an empty home since we first got married…”

Alexandria and Lawrence Lakes were finally empty nesters.  So many years of raising children, welcoming grandchildren and enjoying the joys of a full house had come to an end.  Alex and Larry are well-versed in managing a family, but now have to decide how to live out the rest of their days.

“I don’t know Alex, I couldn’t wait for all those kids to leave so we could roll around butt naked on the beach and make sweet love like we used to and afterwards, wipe the sand from each others’ ass.”

“Oh Larry!  Don’t ever change… I was thinking perhaps we move to the house in the mountains.”

“I mean, that’s cool too baby.  We can roll around butt naked wherever you’d like.”

Lyla and Leo had made the decision to begin life on their own off the island.  Their room was getting much smaller with all of the baby things and night feedings and they simply wanted a place of their own.  Larry, of course, encouraged his son to start his family in a new home and provided the new, young family with a loan for the down payment.  Larry insisted that Leo pay back this loan in the form of more grandchildren.  Alex thought the idea was wonderful and was very happy for her son, daughter-in-law and new grandbaby.

Happy trails to you Leo, Lyla and Leah!

“I didn’t think you were awake, it’s 3am.”

“I heard the girls.  Mike what the fuck are you doing here? Get the hell out.”

“Lauren, I love you and i’m sorry.”

“Fool me twice, shame on me.  You got some ner….”

“I spoke to your father.  I needed help.  I won’t ever leave again.”

“Did he beat your ass?”

They tried not to laugh at that but failed.  They both missed each other like crazy.  From prom to parenthood.  Lauren was cautious and scared.  She never wanted to feel the pain of her husband walking out again.  She wasn’t sure she could trust him, but she could try…

“Please forgive me?”

“I guess…”

“Bring that ass here then.  I missed you so much.”

When Mike showed up close to midnight, Larry knew something was wrong, as he had suspected for months.  Larry brought him to the basement and got him a beer.

“You’re not drinking old man?”

“Can’t drink like I used to.  My wife won’t let me.  How is your wife Mike?”

That question caught Mike by surprise even though that is what brought him to Larry.  He took a long thoughtful sip of his beer and exhaled.  Mike started from the beginning about his life growing up with no parents, how his uncle wasn’t the best influence, and finally admitting that children and fatherhood scared him.

“Every time she’s pregnant I run, I haven’t seen them in awhile.”

It took every ounce of Larry’s soul not to knock Mike’s head into the cement wall behind him.  Larry had learned to cool it from Alex who reminded him that his blood pressure was important.  Instead, he started to feel sorry for Mike.  Common sense says that when you get married and commit to a family, you don’t run.  But Mike was never taught that.  Larry let Mike vent.  He listened and gave advice when asked.  When Mike’s words started to slur, Larry realized how late it was.

“Listen, Mike, I want you to go sleep it off.  Then, in the morning, go home and take care of your family.  And don’t you ever leave your woman and your children ever again. That’s not what real men do.”

“What was that about last night Larry?”

“My son-in-law needed some help with some things… I bet you already knew about those things Alex.”



With the money gifted to her by her father, Lauren was able to hire some builders to add a small nursery to her already tiny home.  Turns out they were the same builders who added the basement to the home she grew up in.  Since the builders knew the Lakes family so well, they did it for practically nothing.  What was left went towards decorating Lexi and Mya’s room and catching up on bills.

Mike wasn’t totally absent, yet his presence was never really felt.  The last time Lauren saw him he was dropping Milo off from basketball practice.  She mostly stayed in her garden.  It was clear now why her mother spent so much time there; the soil heals the soul.

Speaking of healing, Mike was losing it.  He’d been crashing with his uncle, drinking heavily, not knowing how to get right. He figured he would have to swallow his pride and take some much needed help from the only real father he’d ever known…

As you’ll recall, Lauren was farther along than Lyla.  For Lauren however, there was no fanfare when she delivered.  She delivered alone. Mike’s whereabouts unknown.

She didn’t rejoice.  She didn’t see it as something beautiful.  She only whispered over and over again in her dark bedroom: “Not again…”

Surely, her marriage would be over once Mike saw there were two instead of one.

Two sweet baby girls.

Alexa “Lexi” Oceana McKenzie & Mya Laura McKenzie. 

Welcome to this crazy world.

“Leo, your wife has gone into labor. Stop freaking out.  Comfort her and ask her what she needs.”

As it turns out, Lyla didn’t have to wait long for the baby bursting from her body to break free.

“Calm down and take deep breaths, our bodies were made for this.  You’re doing good Lyla, you’re doing good.”

Coached by her mother-in-law and with her new husband by her side, Lyla brought a sweet new baby onto the island:

Leah DeLayne Lakes, 6lbs 9oz, 18in. First born to Leo and DeLyla Lakes.

Happy Birthday Baby Leah!

“You two get some sleep, gramma will take it from here.”

On a beautiful Sunday morning

Delyla Dane became Delyla Lakes.  Mrs. Leo Lakes to be exact.  Congratulations you two

Next up, get this baby out of poor Lyla’s body.  I don’t think she’ll survive another day being pregnant.

Poor thing……

Lauren promised Alex she would bring Lola and Milo over

Larry was pleased to see how much his grandchildren were growing, especially Milo who is the spitting image of his mother.

“You still got those super powers grampa?”

“Try me and see young man!”

Lauren had brought fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and was dying to get her mother’s opinion on them.

“Not bad sweetheart!  Maybe a drop more vanilla next time, but they’re ALMOST as good as mine.”

Alex and Larry’s home was filled with laughter and good energy.  Lauren was surprised to know that her soon to be sister-in-law Lyla was almost as far along as she was!  They compared bumps and talked about everything from breastfeeding to baby names.  Milo joined his grampa in a game of chess at which time Larry slid him one thousand simoleons.  He winks and says “make sure your sister gets half young man.”  Meanwhile, Alex was catching up with her granddaughter and finding out how school is going, her favorite classes, and anything else she’s missed since the last time she saw her.

As they were preparing to leave, Alex wanted one last peek at Lauren’s bulging baby bump.  As Larry passed by he tells Lauren “I put a little something in your account for the baby, use it wisely.  Where is Mike?”

“Thank you daddy!  He’s at work, started a new job with some tech company.”


Larry retreated to the couch.

When he was out of earshot, Lauren whispered to her mother…

“Mom please tell me you didn’t……”

“Promise.  But remember child, I’m not the only one who can sense things around here.  This is the first time you’ve come to visit without Mike. Suspicious? Maybe.  If you ever change your mind though, pretty sure your father has one good ass-whoopin’ left in him.”

“Oh mom.”

Mike’s constant barrage of complaints had brought the spirits down of everyone in the house.  Weeks and weeks of arguing.  He had become perpetually pissed off.  It was finally time for Lauren to seek the wisdom and healing powers of her dear mother.

“So how long were you going to wait before you told me I had another grandbaby coming? I’m offended Lauren.”

“Ma, seriously. Have you ever thought about how creepy it might be that you know that I’m pregnant and I haven’t said a word?”

“You’re showing now Lauren.  Wanna really be freaked out?”


“I knew you were pregnant last month!”

“Impossible, I didn’t even know until……. Mom. HOW?”

Lauren shares a much needed laugh with her mother.  She hadn’t had the chance to be excited about it.  She didn’t even get to tell Milo and Lola, they found out thanks to Mike screaming about it.  Lauren confided in her mother about it all.  Crying, laughing, anxious.  Alex just listened until….

“Let’s move closer to the water baby.”

“Ugh, mom I’ve been so sick, every time I stand up.”

Alex hands Lauren some Tummy Therapy that she made with her herbs.  A special potion she made fresh for Lauren who she could sense was ill.

They sat in the sand until sunset.  “Ma, don’t tell dad. Please. I mean, about Mike.”

“The fuck you mean It’s late?”

“It just didn’t come this month Mike, I haven’t taken a test yet and I ….”

“Jesusfuckingchrist….. like we can afford it.  I told you NO MORE, you don’t listen for shit”


“Don’t talk to me.  Call your dad.  Talk about it with him like you do with everything else that happens in this gotdamn house.”

So soon? 

It would appear that little Milo and Lola aren’t so little anymore!  Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the very first grandchildren to bless the lives and Alex and Larry!  The first children of high school sweethearts Lauren and Mike (who are clearly twinning with their twins.  I mean, the resemblance is shocking!). 

Good luck in high school you two!

“Rise and shine sunshine!  Dinner is served!  Roasted chicken with herbs, stuffed with onion and carrot, paired with roasted potatoes and fresh bread.  The only thing didn’t come from my garden was the chicken!”

Lyla sits up and throws up a little bit in her mouth… “I’m not really hungry right now but thank you ma’am.”

“What’s wrong baby?  Was it the fish? Raw fish can make anyone a bit squeamish because of the smell these days.  It’s the pollution from the harbor, I’ve been writing letters.  Funny though, one of the things we have in common is that we love being outside.  Can’t love the outdoors and be squeamish now can you?”

That wasn’t a question…..

“Come on now Lyla, that baby isn’t going to feed itself.”

“WAIT!  Baby? What baby?  Mrs. La… I mean MOMMA! What baby?!”

Clearly, Lyla doesn’t know about Alexandria Mariana Oceana Lakes.

As promised, Alex introduced Lyla to the girls who would soon be her sisters-in-law.  Lauren, Koi and Lyric trickled in slowly, however when they got there it was as if they were already family.  The Lakes sisters took to Lyla right away, loving her sense of humor and quirky nature.  Lauren was actually surprised by Koi who is usually the most cautious of the bunch.  Koi wasn’t actually interrogating Lyla as Lauren had previously thought.  Knowing Koi though, she’d call their mom later to get the juicy stuff.

Lyric was primarily there to drink but Alex ordered for them: ice cream and punch.  Alex has no idea how Lyric managed to smell of alcohol when she leaned in to say “momma she’s cute and funny, needs to grow out that relaxer though.”

“Oh hush you!”

As the night progressed, Lyla felt good about her relationship with Leo and excited to be part of such a nice family.  Lyla is an only child who grew up with a single mom.  She is quite humbled to be among such beautiful, close-knit people. 

Lyric was the first to head out claiming she was tired but of course that meant she was tipsy.  The oldest girls, Lauren and Koi stuck around to welcome Lyla to the family before heading out, much to the satisfaction of Alex.  After all the girls had gone home, Alex began to grow pale….

“Mrs. Lakes? Are you ok? Do you need to sit down?”

“No just need to take a pit stop before we walk to the port.  And “momma” will do just fine sweetheart.”

“Okay well i’ll be right here if you need me ok?”


“You had your son worried yesterday sweetheart.  He said you seemed exhausted after breakfast.”

Larry and Alex begin a familiar stroll along the beach before the sunrise.

“Truth is, I have been feeling winded lately.  I don’t know….”

“I’ve noticed, you’re not steady on your feet either.”

Alex holds on to Larry’s arm, helping him over the rocks, feeling the definition under his skin from his laps around the pool.

“You know what I think Larry?”

“What’s that my love?”

“I think, that it’s time to leave the pool alone, stay off that computer. Yes, retire from programming.  And enjoy each day, I’m not leaving this world without you.”

Larry’s brow furrows.  He wrestles with his mortality.  His heart tugging at her words… she’s not going to let me die without her. She’s not going to let me die. She didn’t before.  His eyes begin to well up……

Alexandria gasps

“Larry! LOOK! This is our 50th sunrise together. And yes, I’ve been counting”

“Well it’s as beautiful as our first, how high can you count? I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”

Over breakfast, Leo and Lyla talked to their parents about running away to get married.  Neither of them wanted anything big and fancy, just a nice backdrop and each other.  Of course this reminded Alex and Larry of their own wedding day….

“We didn’t have an arch, but we did have the ocean, and sunset, and this really weird flying confetti that literally comes out of nowhere.  Happens when you find out you’re pregnant too. Strange.”

Speaking of pregnancy confetti….  Larry made sure that Leo was covered in the protection department.  But that’s beside the point.  Alex was excited about their plans and suggested places like the Bluffs or the mountains to elope.

“See, we had zero guests Lyla.  It was just Larry and I, up there where the yellow of the sun met the blue of the ocean.  Don’t get me wrong, Larry did a photo shoot with his college buddies and I did one too.  They even threw him a beer bash! HA! He was so wasted….”

Larry missed his buddies and wondered where life had taken them…

As Lyla got up to clear the dishes, Alex proclaimed that soon she would hear the wails of a new grandbaby soon.

“Oh, I can’t wait!  Darling, later I’m going to take you to meet Leo’s sisters.  You’ll want to get close to them.”

With food put away and Alex out in her garden, Lyla and Leo shared their excitement about their future and a giggle or two at how Alex and Larry carelessly flirt with each other no matter where they are: “Relationship Goals.”

As they laughed, Leo noticed something a bit unusual….

This late in the morning, his dad was usually out swimming laps.  When he heard Larry mumble that he was laying down for a nap, he looked up to see him.  He looked exhausted, completely spent.


“Just gonna snooze for a little bit.  You two figure out when you’re getting married and stop teasing your mother like that.”

Later that evening…..


“Did you try and make friends with it?”

“Yes! But it HATES ME and now it wants to eat both of us!!!”

[mutual screaming]



*smack* Keep that face down, that’s right *smack, smack* who’s daddy now huh? *smacksmacksmacksmacksmack*

“Wait, Mike! The kids are up.”

*smack* they *smack* gon’ *smack* have to *smack* wait until *smack* I get *smack, smack, smack* this nut *smacksmacksmacksmack*


“Mike get UP!”

“FUCK! We’re not having anymore kids Lauren.  Hurry up and tell them there are no such thing as MONSTERS!”


“You guys, for the last time, there are no such things as monsters ok?”

“But mom, I tried to make friends with it but it’s not working.”

“There there baby, it’s gone now.  You two get some sleep now, you have school in the morning!”


“Yes Lola…”

“I think daddy was hurting momma.”

“He wasn’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Daddy told me. They were playing some game called hide and go get it.”

“In bed?”

“Yeah.  They play every night. Daddy says its only for grown ups.  Adults are weird Lola.”


The Lakes sisters stayed true to their monthly “meetings”.

This time, Lyric had the idea to pack up lunch and head to the bluffs.  She picked up fresh sushi from the fish market on the mainland and a fantastic sweet red.  There was quite a lot to catch up on. 

  • Lyric is having problems with Dillon.  Besides great sex, he’s not offering much else. She seeks the advice of her big sisters: “You can find great sex anywhere Lyric, never settle baby.”
  • “A farm? Koi…. like, overalls and milking cows, twerking with the goats type of farm?” The girls laugh as Koi explains: “I don’t EVEN know, something about living off the grid.” She shrugs and sips her wine.
  • Lauren catches her sisters up on their niece and nephew who are growing so fast, excelling in school and how granny and grandpa are their favorite people in the world.  “I don’t know y’all, I think I’m ready for another one…” The girls stare blankly at Lauren.  Lyric chimes in: “You know you had twins right? Another set of twins?  I don’t know, you’re married.  Do y’all.”  And of course, Koi, who doesn’t have the desire to have children: “Be careful Lauren… you know what happened to mom after Lyric and LJ….”

Koi watches as Lauren shakes her head and gobbles up two big pieces of sushi.  “Why are you LIKE this Koi? Ugh…. ANYWAY, I love you, we’ll be careful.  Now get in formation ladies, I need some selfies with my sisters.”

Sunday funday with the grandkids.  Alex and Larry had a wonderful day today spending some much needed time with Lola and Milo.  The twins would be growing up soon so spending as much time as possible with them now was crucial.  Their time together was always full of fun and reminded Alex and Larry of their own youth.  In fact, they played so hard that Milo had to run home after ice cream and shower, Alex had to carry a sleeping Lola to the car and Alex and Larry promptly passed out once they made it to their bedroom.

Saturday was quite the busy day in the Lakes home.  Leo wasted no time asking Lyla to be his wife (Delyla shortened for alliteration).  Lyla wasted no time saying yes.  With that out of the way, the afternoon was spent by the pool.  Larry’s daily swim usually turned into a family affair.  LJ stopped by to get some much needed relationship advice from his mom, a nice surprise for her.  As the evening progressed, Alex called Lyla into the kitchen to give her some special tips.  As her first daughter-in-law (almost), it was crucial that Lyla has the skills needed to properly feed her sweet Leo.  After dinner, Alex and Larry headed to bed early.  It was kinda nice having Leo and Lyla stick around, they were a big help around the house.

Tomorrow’s plans? Hang out with the grandbabies before they grow up!

After graduating and becoming a young adult, Leo felt no urgency to leave home.  Leo had always battled guilt.  Guilt associated with his mother almost dying so that he could be here.  No.  He wasn’t leaving his elderly parents alone.  Not that he didn’t want to experience the world, he certainly would like to and he will.  Rather, he didn’t want them to feel solitude.

So, he rearranged his room, sold his twin bed and squeezed in a double for him and Delyla who promptly moved in to be by his side and help care for his aging parents.

You ready baby?”

“I don’t know Larry, what’s it like?”

“Oh! It’s nothing, just a few more gray hairs…”

They smile at each other knowingly.  Larry presented his wife of so many years with a beautiful ring for her right hand.  They enjoyed a healthy treat and each others’ company.  Then, in the back of the home they have shared for almost eternity, the place where they spent their first day as a married couple and first days as parents, Alex blew out her candles…..


“You look like the finest aged wine my dear, let me see if you taste the way you look.”

Happy birthday Alexandria.

A time to laugh, a time to cry….

It’s your turn now sweet Leo, go forth and make your mother and father proud.  You are the last of the Lakes children to leave the nest.  Flex your feathers and fly.  Your dear mother named you Leo Lynx Lakes partly because she loves alliteration (see your father’s full name) but, mostly, because of the beautiful creature it is and the root of such a name means light and brightness (simpedia).  You, Leo Lakes, were the light your mother needed during the darkest time of her life.  It was because of you young man that she was able to see her way back to this most wonderful life. You were her beacon.  You will make her proud. You’ve already found a love that reminds you immensely of her.

You see Leo, without you, there would be no Alexandria.

Alexandria Mariana Oceana Lakes… she’s expecting a birthday any day now.  Yes, very soon life is going to transition her into the next phase alongside her dear husband Lawrence Lloyd Lakes Sr.  Not only will she begin a new stage of life, the last of the Lakes children, Leo, is set to graduate this weekend with plans to find a home with Delyla shortly after.  Change seems to always come swiftly for Alex and her husband.  Neither of them are ready for an empty nest.

Tonight, Alex drifts to sleep breathing in sync with her husband, his heart beating the tune of a familiar lullabye.  She dreams of them sleeping in the mountains….

LJ is learning that his partner is non-committal.  A fear of commitment rooted in trauma perhaps… he doesn’t really know.  What he does know, and is quite sure of, is that the sex (no matter how good), the Simflix, the dinner dates and trips to the bar cannot sustain a relationship. 

“Just because they look good doesn’t mean they’re good for you.” – Alexandria Lakes.

Dear sweet Alex…

The shore brings her so many memories.  Memories of those precious moments.  This time, the sea is bringing her thoughts of beginnings and firsts.  First kisses, first dates, first anniversary, first birthdays, first family photos, first proms, first graduations, first grandchildren…..  There are so many.

She mixes her potions. 

Alexandria knows that where there are firsts there are lasts.

She doesn’t measure anything anymore, it’s all by memory and routine.  She doesn’t set the timer on the oven anymore, she can tell it’s done by the smell.  These moments, like making homemade gumbo with crawdads she caught herself, and baking fresh bread with herbs she grew herself, are moments that are more deliberate these days.  More intentional…..

Alex realizes that these moments do not last forever.

Leo decided on brunch much to Delyla’s delight.  Leo is very observant.  He noticed how polite she was to the waitstaff, how patient she was when the food took longer than expected and how curious she was about the food she’d never tasted before.  She refused to let him pay and when he insisted she gave a huge tip.

Leo thinks he’s falling in love….

“What are you planning for after graduation Leo? It’s coming up soon ya know.”

“Not sure yet.  All I know is you will be a permanent fixture in whatever it is I end up doing.”

Such a charmer that one…

Leo solicits help from his parents for ideas on where to take Delyla on their first official date.

“Chess in the park Leo.  Girls dig the logical, nature loving kinda guys.”

“Oh Larry! That all depends on the girl. Leo, sweetie, you can’t go wrong with the Bluffs at sunset.  It’s so beautiful up there! Gaze at the clouds and inspire each other!”

Alex and Larry had started reminiscing about those first years full of wonder, excitement and romance as the two began to fall in love.  Then, as if they both tuned in to the others thoughts, they gasped together and, in unison:


“Mom, dad….. you guys are nuts.”

It began with a single group text: “Mom and dad have the twins for one more night! Meet me at the club.” Leave it up to Lyric to respond with “it’s going dowwwwwnnnn!”

The Lakes sisters didn’t hang out as much as they used to.  They discovered how much they truly missed each other while preparing for Lauren’s wedding.  Tonight was the perfect night to catch up on each others’ lives, hang out, have fun and be carefree.  Before the night was over they promised that no matter how busy their lives get with children, husbands, boyfriends, backyard stuff, gardens, farms and whatever else, once a month they will be young and wild and free.

Lauren then added a group event to each of their phones set for the same night every month for the next five years.

Alex and Larry were having a wonderful time hosting their grandchildren Lola and Milo.  They were very excited to have them over for a few days.  Milo and Lola were overwhelmed with bottomless pans of pie, super awesome toys and a granny and grampa who could easily beat the best foosball players at their school.  The two could have stayed forever!

All of this fun and laughter while Lauren and Mike spent their honeymoon desecrating the grounds of the Von Haunt Estate…

Delyla received the Lakes treatment over the weekend.  Good food and a B-list movie.  A family tradition.  After the movie Alex called Larry to the backyard in an attempt to let the courting couple spend some quality time together.

“You want to head to the shore?”

Leo was nervous about what he was going to ask her.  The ocean air gave him a bit of comfort and courage.  Delyla was awestruck at the beauty of the island.

“Wow Leo, you get to live here? This is beyond awesome.  I wish I lived on the island.”

“You won’t have to wish if you’re my girl.”

“Leo Lakes! Are you asking me to be your girl?”

“No.  I’m telling you that you’re my girl.”

Leo puffed out his chest, crossed his arms and tried not to bust out laughing.

“You’re lucky you’re cute Leo.”

“I get my dashing good looks from your future father-in-law.”

…… Oh Leo.

Lawrence Lloyd Lakes Sr….

What can I say? Here is a man who found his routine and is righteously kicking the ass of “old age”.  He wakes up, he swims laps, he eats healthy, he takes his medication on time and admires his hard work in the mirror.  And since he’ll tell you himself that he “ain’t old yet!” he’ll hit that dougie on you too.

He’s feeling himself, but most importantly, he’s feeling GOOD about himself. He thanks his wife for this.  You see, she’s the one that has this bush growing in the backyard with funny looking flowers that will save his life, she’s the one who coached his son as he pushed on his heart to keep it beating, she’s the one who makes sure the fresh herbs and vegetables from the garden get on his plate and into his incredibly shrinking belly.  She’s the one who showed him that swimming creates lean muscle mass and burns fat.  It’s all her….

And he doesn’t mind thanking her for it over and over and over and over again.


The next morning, after raving about how fun it is at their grandparents house, Lola and Milo discovered that their mom and dad were planning something very special…. They are (finally) getting married.

“Gramma, can I ask you something?”

“Of course Lolapop!”

“What happened to Grampa’s chest?”

Alex thinks for a minute, smiles at her granddaughter’s inquisitive eyes and motions for Lola to sit next to her.

“Well Lola, you see…. Grampa has special super powers.”


“Sometimes, those super powers need to be recharged.  Grampa’s super powers are in his heart.  See, Grampa has a heart of pure gold.  It’s capable of doing so much!  It can love more than anything ever! Grampa’s heart needed to be recharged so it could love even stronger!  All of the sims with super powers have to be recharged after awhile and they always have the scar to prove it.  Find a scar, find a super hero.”

“Wooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww! I bet you have a scar gramma!”

Lola looks at her grandmother in awe.  Alex leans in for a snuggle while thinking of her own brush with death and the resulting scar.

“Shhhh Lola, don’t tell.”


“Hey there Delyla”

Her name is Delyla Dane.  Leo took the same road to the ferry that she took home.  Since 5th grade he’s had the biggest crush.  They only spoke once that Leo can remember…. “Is your dad ok?” 

They exchanged coy glances every now and then but today…. today Leo was ready.

She has the prettiest skin, she laughs with her whole body like his mom, she’s quirky, she loves his hair, she smells good, she is everything…..

As she goes in her house he looks up  and whispers “thank you”