Eggs Benedict… One of Larry’s favorites.

After the first bite, Alex felt as if she had been hit head on by a semi truck, followed by the sensation of one hundred katanas slicing her stomach to pieces.  She grimaced in pain. A whimper left her lips as she slowly placed her fork on the table.

“Alexandria?  Are you okay sweetheart?

Alex, not being the one to have anyone worry about her, bent the truth.

“I’m just fine Lawrence Lloyd Lakes.  You know I can’t really eat like I used to.”


Larry wasn’t so sure about his wife’s response.  The two had planned to go hiking today but Alex knew she couldn’t.

“Baby, are you 100% sure you don’t want to come?  I’ll carry you on my back, you ain’t too old for a piggy back ride Mrs. Lakes!”

Alex laughed through the awful pain still throbbing in her abdomen.

“Go ahead now! Catch some butterflies for me, this cabin needs some creatures. I’m just gonna lay down a bit.  Hurry up back okay?  I love you Lawrence.”

“Love you back sweet cheeks.”

As Larry walked further and further out of view, Alex limped to the bathroom, hunched over in excruciating pain.  She opened a bottle of Simpto Bismol and chugged it. From there, she lay down, hoping she would sleep it off…

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