“You do realize they’re going to be living in the middle of fucking nowhere right?”

Lyric was unable to wrap her head around her parents moving to the Falls.  She didn’t want them isolated if something were to happen.

“Yes, Lyric, I am aware. What you have to know is that this is their decision.  Daddy built that cabin for just the two of them and you know how much they love it out there”

“Fuck all that.”

Lyric had already had a few beers before the waitress delivered the hard liquor.  She had taken after her father’s love of beer, however, she took it a bit too far.  A fact that Koi had realized years ago.  Tonight, Koi needed the buzz too.

“Someone needs to move up there Koi, I’ll go.  There is nothing here for me anyway.”

“Do something with your life Lyric, mom and dad will be fine. You know mom, she’s always prepared for things.  We’ll call, we’ll visit, everything will be fine.”

And with that, Koi paid the tab, but before leaving, they stared into the ocean.  Silence that seemed like hours.

“I’m scared Koi.”

“I am too baby girl.  I am too.”

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