Growing Pains…

It wasn’t one of those easy conversations to have with your siblings.  Necessary, but not easy.  This month the sisters brought in LJ to their outing, they would need his input in order to come to a consensus.  Lauren broke the silence…

“Listen y’all, I know no one really wants to talk about this but we’ve gotten to the age where we really need to start thinking about mom and dad. Like.. you know, planning for…. stuff.”

Lyric and LJ weren’t ready for that, letting out a mutual sigh. Lyric started on the first of what would be three very strong drinks.

Being the oldest meant Lauren would hold the brunt of responsibility when its time to plan for their parent’s passing.  She’d already spoken to Koi about this previously and couldn’t handle the burden which is what brought them all together today.  Koi chimes in to support her sister….

“Listen, you guys.  This isn’t going to be easy.  With Leo and his wife gone, they are by themselves in that big ass house.   They’ve been talking about moving into that house in the mountains daddy built….”

Lyric finishes her drink and grabs what is left in the bottle…. Koi continues.

“They aren’t going to live forever.  We need a plan.  I’m sure momma is smart enough to have a will, but we need to be asking them these questions and find out what….”

Lyric can’t take it anymore and completely snaps

“You cold, callous, savage BITCH!  My momma and daddy ain’t goin’ nowhere!  You’re trying to push them into the grave so you can get your hands on their money!”

LJ tries to calm her down, but Lyric combined with liquor and her daddy’s passed down anger trait are not to be calmed.  As Koi is about to snap back, Lauren taps her foot under the table.  LJ has always been closer to Lyric (aside from them being twins) and sides with her.

“She has a point.  I’m not ready for this at all.”

“I know LJ, I understand.  I’ll get Lyric.  You guys get back home, its late.”

As Lauren runs off to get her sister, LJ lights a cigarette and walks off.  Koi is left alone, not as she expected, trying to process her parents inevitable exit from this world.

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