“You had your son worried yesterday sweetheart.  He said you seemed exhausted after breakfast.”

Larry and Alex begin a familiar stroll along the beach before the sunrise.

“Truth is, I have been feeling winded lately.  I don’t know….”

“I’ve noticed, you’re not steady on your feet either.”

Alex holds on to Larry’s arm, helping him over the rocks, feeling the definition under his skin from his laps around the pool.

“You know what I think Larry?”

“What’s that my love?”

“I think, that it’s time to leave the pool alone, stay off that computer. Yes, retire from programming.  And enjoy each day, I’m not leaving this world without you.”

Larry’s brow furrows.  He wrestles with his mortality.  His heart tugging at her words… she’s not going to let me die without her. She’s not going to let me die. She didn’t before.  His eyes begin to well up……

Alexandria gasps

“Larry! LOOK! This is our 50th sunrise together. And yes, I’ve been counting”

“Well it’s as beautiful as our first, how high can you count? I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”

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