Over breakfast, Leo and Lyla talked to their parents about running away to get married.  Neither of them wanted anything big and fancy, just a nice backdrop and each other.  Of course this reminded Alex and Larry of their own wedding day….

“We didn’t have an arch, but we did have the ocean, and sunset, and this really weird flying confetti that literally comes out of nowhere.  Happens when you find out you’re pregnant too. Strange.”

Speaking of pregnancy confetti….  Larry made sure that Leo was covered in the protection department.  But that’s beside the point.  Alex was excited about their plans and suggested places like the Bluffs or the mountains to elope.

“See, we had zero guests Lyla.  It was just Larry and I, up there where the yellow of the sun met the blue of the ocean.  Don’t get me wrong, Larry did a photo shoot with his college buddies and I did one too.  They even threw him a beer bash! HA! He was so wasted….”

Larry missed his buddies and wondered where life had taken them…

As Lyla got up to clear the dishes, Alex proclaimed that soon she would hear the wails of a new grandbaby soon.

“Oh, I can’t wait!  Darling, later I’m going to take you to meet Leo’s sisters.  You’ll want to get close to them.”

With food put away and Alex out in her garden, Lyla and Leo shared their excitement about their future and a giggle or two at how Alex and Larry carelessly flirt with each other no matter where they are: “Relationship Goals.”

As they laughed, Leo noticed something a bit unusual….

This late in the morning, his dad was usually out swimming laps.  When he heard Larry mumble that he was laying down for a nap, he looked up to see him.  He looked exhausted, completely spent.


“Just gonna snooze for a little bit.  You two figure out when you’re getting married and stop teasing your mother like that.”

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