Saturday was quite the busy day in the Lakes home.  Leo wasted no time asking Lyla to be his wife (Delyla shortened for alliteration).  Lyla wasted no time saying yes.  With that out of the way, the afternoon was spent by the pool.  Larry’s daily swim usually turned into a family affair.  LJ stopped by to get some much needed relationship advice from his mom, a nice surprise for her.  As the evening progressed, Alex called Lyla into the kitchen to give her some special tips.  As her first daughter-in-law (almost), it was crucial that Lyla has the skills needed to properly feed her sweet Leo.  After dinner, Alex and Larry headed to bed early.  It was kinda nice having Leo and Lyla stick around, they were a big help around the house.

Tomorrow’s plans? Hang out with the grandbabies before they grow up!

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