Lawrence Lloyd Lakes Sr….

What can I say? Here is a man who found his routine and is righteously kicking the ass of “old age”.  He wakes up, he swims laps, he eats healthy, he takes his medication on time and admires his hard work in the mirror.  And since he’ll tell you himself that he “ain’t old yet!” he’ll hit that dougie on you too.

He’s feeling himself, but most importantly, he’s feeling GOOD about himself. He thanks his wife for this.  You see, she’s the one that has this bush growing in the backyard with funny looking flowers that will save his life, she’s the one who coached his son as he pushed on his heart to keep it beating, she’s the one who makes sure the fresh herbs and vegetables from the garden get on his plate and into his incredibly shrinking belly.  She’s the one who showed him that swimming creates lean muscle mass and burns fat.  It’s all her….

And he doesn’t mind thanking her for it over and over and over and over again.


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