“Milo, you don’t have to yell it sweetie, the name won’t ever change.”

“Mom! Me and Lola were at granny and grandpa’s house! We played!  Grandpa spun Lola around in circles, did you  know he’s super strong? We had cake and ice cream! OH! And he could lift us both up with JUST HIS MUSCLES mom! Grandpa totally has super powers.  We didn’t get to say bye to him though…”

“Well why not?”

“I’m not sure.  He never came back … granny went to look for him.  I don’t know if she found him but her eyes were all wet and her voice was weird.  She told us to run home and not look back.”

“Are you sure Milo?”

“Yeah, ask Lola, she thinks granny saw a ghost.”

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