She came back for the beast. 

She knows its here… lurking, green glow wafting from the depths of the hidden pond.  It was only in this hidden place that she would find it…. that terrible beast.  It was hiding again, but not for too long.

Hours were passing but she held her position, hiding her fear, wiping sweat from her furrowed brow.  A strange sensation it is to be so calm yet so afraid. She smirks at herself, gripping the pole so tight, her knuckles turn white as ghosts.

Oh but the beast was hungry tonight.  She gasped as she felt the violent force of its jaws gnash at her lure, almost pulling her in with it. She gripped even tighter feeling tiny slithers of wood from the handle of her rod pierce her flesh.  Her feet are firm, her balance restored.  The beast wants a fight. She won’t lose.  So heavy, so strong this beast.  Yanking and pulling, twisting and lurching…

And then….

The most ghastly creature she had ever seen!  It rose from the depths, its green light aglow… the beast flies through the air dripping and oozing, its coming straight toward her. She’s watching it fly, anticipation growing, heart pounding. “This is it” she whispers as the excitement grows.  The beast came swiftly… she’s almost pulled to ground by its mass. She grunts as the wind is knocked from her. And then… the beast was still. She slowly rises. She inspects it, she holds it up, she smells it….

“I.. I did it… I can’t believe I finally did it…”

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