Alex could feel something coming.  In her garden is where she was able to do most of her reflection and connection to things.  Yoga wasn’t so easy now since the surgery…. She could feel her daughter’s presence before she heard “Mom, I need to talk to you”.

Plump breasts, lips cracked from vomiting, swollen eyes, baggy clothes.

“Mom, I….”

“You’re having my grandbaby Lauren”

Lauren began to sob, the hormones were part of it, but mostly the guilt of not being more careful.  Of being irresponsible.  Of falling for a man who would leave her.  Alex listened.  She let her daughter grieve. No lectures.  Who knows how long Lauren had kept this bottled up.  Lauren heard the back door open and rose to her feet.  With Lauren facing away from her, Alex could finally let out the grin she had been holding back, from ear to ear, her entire spirit lifted when she saw Lauren’s tiny little baby bump.

“Where is he Lauren?”

“I don’t know dad, he said he was going back to his uncle’s”

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