Heyyyyy Drewwwwwww!!! Quick question for you homie: So, in Outdoor Retreat we have a cooler. Sims can get a drink out of the cooler that is some random orange can. Welp, I want my sims to be able to “grab a beer” from the cooler and actually have the can be a budweiser or heineken or bud lite or whatever! In TS2 there was a default replacement for a beer when sims would go to the fridge for a “meal replacement” or something like that. Is this something you could do? Know any good tutorials?


If you want to put a beer can texture on that can instead, just go into Sims 4 Studio > Object > Override

The catalog will load. Check “Show Debug”

Then in the search bar just search for the item. I couldn’t tell you what its name is exactly, but things like can, GP01(I believe), and whatnot can help. Once you find it, click on it, click Next. Once you get to the actual object, just click export under texture. Edit it, then import it. Save and done!

However, if you are trying to replace that can with a 100% different mesh, like a bottle for example, then I’d check sims4studio’s website for an object override tutorial. I think I know what to do but I don’t want to mislead you if I’m incorrect.

I can’t really do anything to physically help since I don’t own Outdoor Retreat but I hope this helps a little bit.

Dear Drew,

THANK YOU! A can override (texture change) is perfect and looks easy! Let the beer drinking commence!

I knew you were the right person to ask!

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